Welcome to Options 2025
Our Options program is designed to:
- Deliver academic excellence for all our students
- Ensure breadth of provision, so that all of our students can follow a wide range of academic and technical courses
From September 2024, our current Year 9 students will move into Year 10 and start to study their option subjects, alongside the core subjects of GCSE Maths, English Language, English Literature and Science.
We are recommending that most students follow an academic route that includes a Modern Foreign Language (French/Spanish) and a Humanities subject (History and / or Geography), alongside this, students will study two further subjects.
Students will be asked to select their option subjects in order of preference i.e. first, second, third and fourth. For a small number of students, it may not be possible to offer all four of their option choices, so we request that all students also identify two reserve choices.
It is important that students consider their subject preferences, as well as their reserve choices carefully, as some subjects with only a small number of pupils may not be viable to run.
To help students and parents identify the correct courses to study, below you will find a subject information sheet for all the subjects on offer. You can also visit the National Careers Service website -
Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service
Options Online System
We are using an online system provided by our school information management systems (SIMS) to collect student option choices. A registration email will be sent to all Year 9 students via their school email account.
A guide on registering your online account