What our Students Say About Us

What our amazing students have to say about The Macclesfield Academy 

The Macclesfield Academy is a warm, welcoming and all inclusive school, listen to what some of our students have to say about life at TMA. 


Comments from our Year 7s:

“When I moved from my primary school to Macclesfield Academy, I was welcomed and everybody was friendly. Also, since I have been here, I have felt like I was part of the school's family”

“My grades have gone up a lot here, especially since the teachers see me as more than just a number in a school full of other numbers”

“This school inspires me to do things I thought I was not capable of doing. If there was a prize for the best school, Macclesfield Academy would win! Thank you for being there for me!”

“I have the best education here and the teachers are helpful”

“This school is great, it is exciting, fun and interesting”