Year 11 Students Sign Off

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20th Jun 2024

It was a sad but fun day yesterday at The Macclesfield Academy as our Year 11’s finally signed off. With the exams officially over, the exam tables were cleared away and the celebrations began.  The afternoon was filled with plenty of shirt signing, goodbye speeches from the staff and even the odd tear was shed.  

Mat Galvin Headteacher said: 

“It’s been an absolute pleasure working with our amazing Class of 2024. They have worked diligently all year long, taking advantage of the commitment of our staff in their lessons, after school and even in the holidays during ‘study break school’. I have really enjoyed teaching my Physics classes and will miss our lessons together. 
Yesterday was a fitting way to say thank you and goodbye, before our Prom at Shrigley Hall later this term, with shirt signing plus cards and gifts exchanged.” 

The day was rounded off with the ‘Tony Togneri Cup’ annual football game between Staff and Leavers. Thankfully the predictions of a whitewash did not come to pass, with a very respectable 2-1 win by the students being a fair result. The better team won!! 

We wish our ‘flagship year group’ all the very best for their well-earned Summer break and look forward to opening the exam envelopes in August with confidence and optimism. 


Results Day is Thursday 22nd August.