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SEND Offer
BackWe are an inclusive mainstream setting catering for children and young people with a wide range of abilities. Here at The Macclesfield Academy, we recognise that provision for students with SEND is the responsibility of all members of staff and that every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As an inclusive community we have the highest expectations for all our students irrespective of their starting point, and we strive to ensure that quality first teaching is tailored to meet the needs of all. To facilitate access to our broad and ambitious curriculum, we work with departments to ensure that teaching spaces, materials and lesson delivery are such that they enable students with SEND to learn effectively.
The SEND Team is a dedicated group of staff including the SENCo, Deputy SENCo, Lead Teaching Assistant and support staff. We adopt a Key Worker system to support our students with EHCPs. In addition, as a team we are trained to deliver bespoke support where necessary in: cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health, sensory and physical, and communication and interaction and continually strive to improve our knowledge base through regular training and input from outside agencies.
We work closely with parents of children with SEND to ensure that their views are heard and that we are constantly reviewing and tailoring the support provided as their child progresses throughout school.
In addition, we have a resourced provision catering for 7 students (growing to 14 in 2023). Our Resourced Provision is committed to enabling all students to be included within school and the wider community. Entry to the provision is based on a student having an EHCP and a diagnosis of autism as their primary need. Students may follow an adapted curriculum model, but will be able to access the National Curriculum at an appropriate level. There is an expectation that students will spend as much time as possible, in mainstream classes accessing quality first teaching.
Cheshire East Local Offer for Children with SENDCheshire East Information About Leisure Activities Tailored for Young People with SEND
SEND Team | |
| SENCO: Dr Julie Skarratt |
| Deputy SENCO: Annie McDowell |
![]() | Resource Provision Lead: Lucy Brown |
Ruby’s Fund
Ruby’s Fund SEND services offer support to all SEND families across Cheshire East, from parents who may be concerned that their child has some emerging needs, right through to families with older SEND children who may have a diagnosis and an EHCP. We offer many different sessions and ways to access support for parents, children and their siblings. Services include our newsletter, peer support groups, outreach sessions, a range of training both online and face to face. We have a sensory resource library that we are able to loan out items to parents to try before they buy, as well as an amazing sensory room in our café, offering short breaks for younger people and even a siblings club! Our team also work with individuals on a one-to-one basis to guide them through their journey.
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