Reading and Writing



The Macclesfield Academy is dedicated to developing the reading and writing skills of all of our pupils as we view these as key to attainment.


Here at The Macclesfield Academy we take pride in being a school that reads. We have created a strong reading culture where all of our pupils read every day.  This reading takes place during form time, English lessons and pathway subjects.

We test the reading ages of all of our pupils and use this information to ensure that pupils are reading suitable texts to stretch and challenge. We have a well-stocked and current Learning Resource Centre. Our library system, Oliver, also allows students access to a range of e-books, as well as being a source of reading lists for each subject.

Bespoke reading interventions are put in place for those requiring extra support with reading and writing. These include Reading Support Partners, inference training and an IDL programme.

In years 7, 8 and 9 all students have a fortnightly library lesson where they can select books, learn how to use a library effectively and learn how to conduct themselves in a library setting. In addition, we take every opportunity to celebrate and promote reading and writing across the Academy through ethos, display, assembly and competition.

We believe in the importance of reading classic texts and have a weekly shared reading experience. During this time all year groups read a text together, exploring rich vocabulary and themes.

There are whole school strategies in place for correcting student errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.  Subjects that require extended writing share a common approach to planning, structuring and constructing written texts.