TMA Physics Teacher Presents at CERN

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12th Jul 2024

One of The Macclesfield Academy Physics teachers presented to an international audience of educators at the Large Hadron Collider (CERN) this week in a project to bring together the best teachers in countries from around the world to collaborate and understand how Science is taught. 


Jenny slaughter
Dr Slaughter won the bid, against fierce competition, to be part of the team from England. At the end of the week she presented her findings both at the CERN conference facilities and online to a global audience. 


Mr Galvin, Headteacher and fellow Scientist said "We could not be prouder of Dr Slaughter - we were so excited watching her online present this morning, sharing the fantastic practice at TMA with a large audience. We are so lucky to have a dedicated team of Scientists who routinely go above and beyond, collaborating and running projects with The Institute of Physics and STEM Learning to name but two".


 Dr Slaughter will be sharing her findings with teachers from our Trust, the Sir John Brunner Foundation, on her return to Macclesfield.