Students enjoy Experience Day at Alderley Park
Yesterday, a group of Year 10 students attended a School Experience Day at Alderley Park, a world-renowned science and tech campus in Macclesfield which houses a vast number of forward thinking, innovative businesses in the technology and bioscience space.
The puils were selected as those who study the triple science course and have a keen interest in science or have aspirations to pursue a career in the STEM sector in the near future.
During the day, our students heard from three different companies who shared inspirational stories about their journeys to success. They listened to employees across numerous disciplines, from communication managers, to scientists; from lab technicians to statisticians – each one sharing their career journey and offering practical advice to students who are considering what their own futures will look like.
The highlight of the day was the comprehensive tour of the shared access laboratory with its state-of-the-art equipment for research and development. The jewel in the crown being the flow cytometer that was used during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Head of Careers, Mrs Fallon said: “Visiting Alderley Park was an eye-opening experience for us all. The day offered a unique opportunity for students to experience the workplace first-hand and understand what is like to work within a team on a professional project. I came away feeling inspired by the thirst for knowledge, understanding and progress that each person demonstrated – the Holy Trinity that all teachers seek to instil in their pupils. I have a very strong feeling that the next generation of world-class workers are right here within our walls."