Learning Above All
Learning Above All
Learning Above All

Latest Tweets

TMA had the pleasure of hosting Research Ed on Saturday. A huge thank you to our guest speakers, staff and students who made the day so brilliant! pic.twitter.com/Re4emnLBiH— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 15, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 15
Some interesting speeches today from pupils from , , , , , , , , Wilbraham PS , & Underwood West who took part in The Speech Festival here at TMA pic.twitter.com/ZubetfgyQv— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
Ooooo. Exciting!! Can’t wait until tomorrow pic.twitter.com/9pwxblkWcm— Mat Galvin FCCT MEd NPQH () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
Great to welcome , and to TMA today for the Schools Dance Performance Project based on the 2024 Paris Olympics pic.twitter.com/qNBL3rtGOM— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
Inspector Haque and PCSOs Mellor and Simpson visited TMA today for the Police quarterly Community Cohesion Group.  Pupils joined professionals and members of the public to consider Hate Crime and Use of Force. For future sessions contact pauline.holt.org pic.twitter.com/P7iUUhlH2l— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
TMA Physics Teacher Presents at CERN - Latest News - The Macclesfield Academy... https://t.co/rGctgIqC5C— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
Mr Galvin talks through this weeks school news 👇https://t.co/8YXLsTQBgn#academicexcellence pic.twitter.com/7J9QyZM7YX— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
Very excited for tomorrow ! Thanks to for organising and ’s school for hosting! 🙌🏼👏🏼💪🏼👍🏻 pic.twitter.com/XV4JvCNKEn— Simon Day MA MPSA NPQLT () July 12, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 12
Some of our 2023 leavers came for a visit today. It was lovely to see them! pic.twitter.com/Np1sX6QROr— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 10, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 10
It was great to see our students and staff representing at the event on Saturday. Our newly elected MP joined us in our celebrations too! pic.twitter.com/Ki8oxfJbEv— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 8, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 8
Super proud of George B in Year 8 who recently signed for Bolton Wanderers FC pic.twitter.com/oREkJMLD3u— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 4, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 4
A day full of visitors at the Academy yesterday! Year 6s began their transition into TMA by meeting their forms, taking part in lessons and making new friends. Years 7, 8 and 9 enjoyed a careers day with visitors from emergency services, professions & businesses. pic.twitter.com/OpxjkREHUd— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 2, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 2
At Prom on Friday evening we said a final farewell to our Year 11s as they celebrated the end of their exams and their time at TMA. They all looked amazing! For further photos visit the Latest News section of our website or click on the picture below https://t.co/csYBRLkEdQ— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () July 1, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - July 1
So proud of our rowing team that took part in the rowing competition at Warrington Rowing Club this week. The TMA rowing group has only been together a short time but won Bronze in the Runcorn/Macc division. Well done Ellie, Imogen, Zack, Seth, Sylva & Harry pic.twitter.com/KiIpj1pGM8— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () June 28, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 28
Well done to our Sports Ambassadors who helped The Macclesfield Academy host today’s Sports Day for pic.twitter.com/pi0Hj2jFAI— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () June 27, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 27
It’s just two weeks until the first performance of our summer production of Shrek and tickets are selling fast! To secure your tickets for our evening performance at 7pm on either Wednesday 10th July or Thursday 11th July please click the following link https://t.co/WTuZpTL3uq pic.twitter.com/A8K72Lm6g4— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () June 25, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 25
Don’t forget to get your tickets.. https://t.co/LZT7h2cOHC— ResearchED Cheshire () June 24, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 24
Mr Galvin shares this weeks School news with a farewell and well done to all the year 11 Students 👇https://t.co/HaAuWpQjDE#AcademicExcellence — TMA The Macclesfield Academy () June 21, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 21
11 students from Years 7 and 8 took part in the Macclesfield Secondary Schools Mixed U13 Cricket Cup at Macclesfield Cricket Club yesterday. A great experience for pupils, many of whom were playing on a proper pitch with a hard ball for the first time. Well played team! pic.twitter.com/TibCjdo7Fg— TMA The Macclesfield Academy () June 21, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 21
Don’t miss out-grab your tickets NOW and watch out for the opportunity to win a book from another one of our great speakers! https://t.co/5qnLR2S4gb— ResearchED Cheshire () June 21, 2024
@TheMaccAcademy - June 21
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